50 % Off How to Become a Bestseller – Level 2

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Finally, A Blueprint That’s Guaranteed

To Turn Your Book Into A BESTSELLER

Or You Pay Nothing!

Dear Aspiring Author,

Picture yourself five years from now. Bookstores all over the world have your book on display and you are finally reaping the rewards of your hours of hard work. You are now a bestselling author, and it couldn’t get any better!

You probably know that for most authors, this is just a fantasy. Hundreds, if not thousands of books are written and published each year. Yet only a small handful of them ever make it to bestseller status.

It’s almost disheartening to think of how the odds are stacked up against you.

But what if you could change all that? What if you could follow a system, a proven system that would greatly turn the odds in your favor? What if, five years from now, you could actually be living the writer’s life…as a bestselling author?

What Would It Mean For You To Become A Bestselling Author?

Maybe you’ve written your book already, or maybe it’s still just an idea. Whatever the case, there’s a big difference between just being an author, and being a bestselling author.

What first inspired you to put your words and ideas onto paper? Was it just the thought of seeing the completed book in print? I’m guessing it was more than that.

I mean, what good is a published book if hardly anyone reads it?

I’m guessing that what kept you writing day and night was a far grander vision. Your vision included your book appearing on bookshelves across the country. You saw your book online – on sites such as Amazon, Chapters, and Indigo.

I bet you even pictured it as a top-ranked best-seller. That’s what motivated you, right?

What if you really could make that happen? What if you could make this dream a reality? Would that make it all worthwhile? All of your endless dedication and love you poured into your creation…now paying you back in monthly royalty checks that keep rolling in like clockwork.

Wouldn’t that fulfil your dream?

I can help make that happen for you. You see, I too have been in your shoes. I know what it’s like to be inspired to write a great book. I too have spent the countless hours pouring my thoughts onto paper. Writing, re-writing, editing…dreaming.

I too have dreamt of becoming a best-selling author.

And I achieved just that. Even more importantly, I uncovered secrets

I Stumbled Upon A Way For Almost Anyone To Become A Bestselling Author

Wouldn’t you agree that the best way to achieve something is to follow a proven path? A path that is well-defined, well thought out – and proven, time and time again?

My name is Teresa de Grosbois, and I would like to be your mentor.

And it wasn’t by chance that I became a bestselling author myself – 4 times in fact. You see, there are methods, proven methods to becoming a bestselling author.

Like an army general, I’ve been through the “battlefield” more than once. I’ve encountered many obstacles and challenges, and I made a road map along the way. I know the pit falls. I know where most authors get stuck and where some give up on their dreams. I also know the short cuts and the clear path that leads to victory.

The Book Selling Industry Is Not What It Used To Be

There have been massive changes in even the last 10 years!

I’m here to show you that there is a world of hope in what can be a frightening place. I’ve been there. It wasn’t easy at first, but on my way to becoming a bestselling author, I noticed patterns. Patterns that work for you, and patterns that work against you. I took note of these patterns, and created a blueprint for bestselling success.

I came to realize that the obstacles I faced weren’t exclusive to me alone. I also realized that there are hundreds…thousands of aspiring authors who are up against the very same obstacles.

“If Only They Knew The Way,” I Kept Thinking

That’s where the idea for my Level 2 program, “How To Become A Bestseller,” was born. I knew that if I could help others, I could truly fulfil my purpose.

What would it be worth to you to have this first-hand knowledge available to you? To not only have a mentor, but a 4-time bestselling author guiding you? Someone who can lead you to the safety and comfort of your final destination: a bestselling author.

What would you pay to avoid costly and discouraging mistakes? What would you be willing to pay to become a bestseller sooner, rather than later?

You know, back when I was first starting out, I would’ve gladly paid thousands of dollars to discover the shortcuts I teach in my program.

As a coach, I charge $1,200 an hour for my time. I keep extremely busy doing what I do.

So when I thought of offering my mentorship to others, I knew I had to make it worth my while. After all, I had spent years (and a lot of money) perfecting the system I teach.

I decided that I could help the most people possible by offering my mentorship program for the low price of $997.

As a member of my mentorship program “How To Become A Bestseller,” here is a taste of what you will learn:

  • What it means to be a “bestselling author” and how to achieve it
  • How the different bestseller lists work and how to target each one of them
  • How to create a “wildfire” word of mouth epidemic around your book
  • How to build relationships with “influencers” in order to talk about your book
  • How to use tools such as social media, traditional media and public appearance

Plus, you’ll have access to “members-only” tools, including:

  • The series of 12 modules, available for you to complete at your own pace (valued at $3600)
  • Unlimited access to me via email – ask me any question you want! (valued at $1000/hour)
  • Access to Q&A posting section of my website – see questions from your fellow students, along with my posted responses (valued at $300 with coaching calls)
  • Monthly group coaching calls where I answer all questions submitted to me before the call (valued at $1200, and available to you for as long as you need them!)

With me as your mentor, you will have access to an absolute wealth of knowledge.

My Personal Guarantee To You

If you go through the course, do the homework, follow the steps as described for the systematic approach that works every time you will become a bestselling author.  If the approach is not working we will personally get on the phone and coach you to correct the issues.  If after this you do not achieve bestseller status, we will refund 100% of your money.

All I ask is that you make an honest effort and commit to doing what I tell you to do.

Fair enough?

So what do you have to lose? You owe it to yourself to at least give it a try. I know firsthand that the longer it takes to reach a goal, the more likely you are to give up.

I don’t want you to give up.

Seats are filling up fast, so don’t miss out on your chance to become the next bestselling author.

I look forward to working with you soon,

Teresa de Grosbois

Purchase your 50% off Level 2 for $498.50

P.S. Do you want to do keep doing things the hard way, or are you ready to do things a much easier way? You could waste months, even years, trying to perfect the system. Or you can do what smart, wealthy people do, and follow a proven path to success.

P.P.S. Remember, my iron-clad guarantee is my promise to you. If, after implementing all the steps I teach you, your book does not reach bestseller status, I will promptly refund your registration fee of $498.50, no questions asked. You have nothing to lose. Click the register button NOW and get started today.

If you do not yet have a published book and would like to complete level 1 CLICK HERE