Advanced Word of Mouth Group Coaching Calls


Tue Aug 11th with Sheevaun Moran

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2015-08-11-Sheevaun-Moran.mp3″]

To connect with Sheevaun & get her free offering click here


Thur July 23rd with Debbi Dachinger

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2015-07-23-Debbi-Dachinger.mp3″]

Click here to receive the special offer Debbi gives our students

Answers to questions not answered on the call:

Q – do you recommend having your book published before getting on radio or can you do a pre-launch with radio shows

DEBBI:  Yes have your book ready to go before getting booked on air. Remember some radio shows are very busy and it may take you 3-6 month to get on their calendar if they are a popular program. Pre-schedule and schedule your interviews to before and around your launch. Don’t do 48 hours of interviewing back to back on your launch dates (exhausting). Start a few months prior and leading up to your book campaign. Often you’ll find you create so much momentum during those months (especially if you’re good at being interviewed) that radio interview offers will come to YOU after your book has launched.  All of these interviews are great as it can push and drive sales.  And of course, you will not be giving out your book’s url on air, too early before your launch, so as not to water down sales on your big day.

Q – Can you make a press release just for Radio? Do they look at press releases?

DEBBI:  Absolutely yes. As with any Press Release, ensure that it is newsworthy and content heavy.  A Radio press Release is never just: Hey, I am on a show come listen to me, as no one will pick up a press release based on that. Make it meaty with benefits to gain, statistics, new information someone will be curious to know, that will cause them to tune in to hear you on a show. And why should people tune in? What so great about that? Make that your headline and lead in.

This is a good segue here to mention – always CROSS PROMOTE your radio appearances. The radio host, station and producer are offering you FREE marketing and PR. As part of your thank you back to them, cross promote the interview & show through your social media, newsletters and email. And send them a heartfelt thank you note.

Q – Do most interviewers usually start with questions asking personal stories to build connection with the audience?

DEBBI: Good question, Fred.  You will forward your Talking Points to almost all interview situations, and many hosts (they’re busy!) will literally ask your questions down the line as you sent them, verbatim. In that case, yes many interviewers will launch from your first question on down.

There is no hard and fast rule here, so as well, interviewers do not start at the same place.  That said, always be prepared as we learned in this call today, for anything.  When any question is posed to you the answer is always:“Yes, and…” So give the interviewer an answer and trust what pops up in your mind to share.

Regarding personal stories, it seems that some hosts like to ask the question “what was your journey,” or ‘what got you here?”

Q – And if you’re not asked something personal first, should you answer with one?

DEBBI: There is nothing formula in a host asking a personal question or not a personal question. If the hosts asks a question, answer the question asked (in other words if they’ve asked you, for instance, how you set up your business do not highjack the conversation and suddenly tell a personal story that is incongruent). It’s perfectly fine to do an entire radio interview where the talk is strictly business, or strategy, or be interviewed only about whatever your niche, or brilliance is.

For some their personal story is essential to their book or message and it might come up in the interview. For others it’s not important and may not be asked about.

Either way it is good to know YOUR personal story (and once you know it, then let it go… if you’re asked you’re ready and if you’re not it is Divine and perfect too). To know your authentic story which should be germane to whatever you will be interviewed about (your career, your life, your adventures, your healing etc.):

Ø  what happened,

Ø  where did you start from,

Ø  what was your situation/problem/or obstacle,

Ø  how did you get through it,

Ø  what wisdom did you gain from going through it

Ø  What you can now offer to others and how did it change your life?


Mon June 22nd with Karen Christine Angermayer

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2015-06-22-Karen-Christine-Angermayer.mp3″]

Find out more about Karen Christine at:

Facebook: Karen Christine Angermayer AND sorriso Verlag (fanpage)
Twitter: sorriso_verlag

Thur May 14th with Alicia Dattner

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2015-05-14-Alicia-Dattner.mp3″]

Find out more about Alicia at


Fri April 24th with Catherine Saykaly-Stevens

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2015-04-24-Catherine-Saykaly-Stevens.mp3″]

Find our more about Catherine at


Thur March 11th with Tonya Hofmann

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2015-03-12-Tonya-Hofmann.mp3″]

Find out more about Tonya Hofmann at


Wed February 11th with Colin Sprake

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2015-02-11-Colin-Sprake.mp3″]

To take advantage of the free offer, use activation code 13379 to claim your tuition valued at $149


Thurs January 22nd with Thomas Le Maguer

Please note there were recording issue with our January coaching call with Thomas Le Maguer. Thomas has graciously promised to come on another call soon.  We’ll keep you updated on the details.  You can get more details about Thomas at



Tuesday December 16th with Cheryl Bishop

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2014-12-16-Cheryl-Bishop.mp3″]

To take advantage of the free offer, use activation code 13379 to claim your tuition valued at $149


Wednesday November 20th Tony Hofmann – Our apologies, there were issue with the recording.  This was such a fabulous call we have rescheduled Tonya to talk to our students on Thurs March 12th, 9am PST / 10am MST / 12pm EST / 5pm GMT

To learn more about Tonya please click here


Wednesday October 23rd with Randy Peyser

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2014-10-23-Randy-Peyser.mp3″]

To Connect with Randy Facebook or at  Sample Book Proposal that snagged a book deal with an agent in one day.


Tuesday August 26th with Patryk Wezowski

[iqvideo file=’audio/all-levels/2014-08-26-Patryk-Wezowski.mp4′]

To Connect with Patryk on Facebook or at


Wednesday July 23rd with William Whitecloud

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2014-07-23-EBI-Special-Call.mp3″]

To Connect with William on Facebook or at


Monday June 9th with Adam Witty

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2014-06-09-Adam-Witty.mp3″]

Connect with Adam at Advantage Group
Monday May 5th with Barnet Bain
How to get your book made into a movie
[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2014-05-05-Barnet-Bain.mp3″]
To Connect with Barnet
Tuesday April 15th with Lauren Pibworth
Kick-butt marketing to get you booked as a speaker
[iqvideo file=’audio/all-levels/2014-04-15-Lauren-Pibworth.m4v’]
Connect with Lauren at
Tuesday April 1st with Cindy Ashton
Powerful Speaking
[iqvideo file=’audio/all-levels/’]
Connect with Cindy at Your Persuasive Voice
Tuesday February 11th with Debbi Dachinger
How To Get On Radio and Be Exquisite While On Air
[iqvideo file =’audio/all-levels/’]
Connect with Debbi at
Thursday January 16th with Wolfgang Reibe
Getting video for your website
[iqvideo file=’audio/all-levels/2014-01-16-Wolfgage’]
Connect with Wolfgage at
Wednesday September 18th with Annie Jennings
[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2013-09-18.mp3″]
To Connect with Annie Jennings
Thursday August 15th with Rebecca Gibbons
[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2013-08-15.mp3″]
Tuesday July 16th, 2013 with Lisa Bloom
[iqaudio file=”coaching-calls/coaching-calls-2013-07-16-lisa-bloom.mp3″]
Wednesday June 19th, 2013 with Mindy Gibbons-Klien
[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2013-06-19.mp3″ ]
To Connect with Mindy Gibbons-Klien

Special offer full online course for $99 instead of $199,

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 with Jason Nast

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/coaching-calls-2013-05-21.mp3″] – Free E-Report CrowdFunding 101 (Requires Opt-in) – Resource Guide (No Opt-In Required) – Free CrowdFunding Training (Next Webinar Thursday 6pm Pacific no Opt-in Required)
Contact information:
Skype: JasonNast
Wednesday, April 10th 2013 with Susan Ratliff

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2013-04-10.mp3″]
Friday, March 15th 2013 with Brenda Jones
[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/”]

Tuesday, January 8th 2013 with JudyWeintruab

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2013-01-08.mp3″]


Wednesday, November 28th 2012 with Jill Fisher
[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2012-11-28.mp3″]

Tuesday, November 6th 2012 with Dave Albano

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2012-11-06.mp3″]

Tuesday, October 2nd 2012 with Elle Febbo

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2012-10-02.mp3″]

Tuesday, September 11rd 2012 with Charmaine Hammond

[iqaudio file=”audio/all-levels/2012-09-11.mp3″]


Thursday, August 16th, 2012 with Simon Jordon
[iqaudio file=’audio/all-levels/2012-08-29.mp3′]

Monday, July 9th 2012:

[iqaudio file=’audio/all-levels/2012-07-09.mp3′]

To contact Laura Rubinstein:

Social Buzz Club:

Social Media Blast Off Course: (Special $100 off coupon code: LAUNCH100)

Laura’s Fan Page: (feel free to post social media questions here) Tweet with Laura: 

7 Steps to Launching Your Social Media Success
  1. Clarify your objective,
  2. Identify your target audience main needs, problems and most important conversations
  3. Create a strategy to engage your target audience and deliver your objectives
  4. Choose the social media sites  (and technologies) that are right for you
  5. Develop a professional presence on your accounts
  6. Integrate with your website/blog
  7. Implement strategies to engage
Other Measurement sites
Copy Writers Teresa recommends:

Lisa Manyon –
Dean Edelson –

Thursday, June 14th, 2012 with Kelli Harker:

[iqaudio file=’audio/all-levels/2012-06-14.mp3′]


Tuesday, May 15th 2012 with Graham White

[iqaudio file=’wom/audio/2012-05-15.mp3′]


Wednesday May 16 Call:

[iqaudio file=’audio/2012-05-16-randy-peyser.mp3′]

Wednesday, April 17th 2012:

[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/2012-04-17-all-levels.mp3′]

LIFT 10 Steps to YES Handout.doc [iqfile file=’docs/LIFT10StepstoYESHandout.doc’ anchor=’Click Here’]

Anastasia’s job posting: [iqfile file=’audio/anastasia-netri-job-posting.pdf’ anchor=’Click Here to Download’]


Wednesday, March 14 Call:
[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/2012-03-14-level1.mp3′]

Barrie Social Club – http://www.barriesocialclub. com
Barrie Salsa Lovers – http://www.barriesalsalovers. com
twitter: @IanGMcIntosh
LinkedIn: Ian McIntosh – Business Development Manager – Entertaining Interiors


Wednesday, February 15 Call:

[iqaudio file=’audio/2012-02-15-level1-2.mp3′]

To connect with Mari Anne Snow mariannesnow1 websites referenced:

Empire Avenue

How to play Empire Avenue –

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012:

[iqaudio file=’wom/audio/2012-01-23.mp3′]

Link to Rosey Dow’s (Lana’s) Program Coupon code: CEOS


Wednesday, January 11 Call:
[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/2012-01-11-level1.mp3′]




Call #1:
[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/call01.mp3′]

Call #2:
[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/call02.mp3′]

Call #3:
[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/call03.mp3′]
Call #4:
[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/call04.mp3′]

Wednesday, December 07 Call:
[iqaudio file=’audio/level2/2011-12-07-level2.mp3′]


Thursday, November 17 Call:

[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/2011-11-17-level1.mp3′]

Tuesday,  October 18 Call:

[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/2011-10-18-level1.mp3′]

Monday, September 12 Call:
[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/2011-09-12-level1-gcc.mp3′]

Thursday, August 18 Call:

[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/2011-08-18-level1-gcc.mp3′]

Tuesday, July 19 Call:
[iqaudio file=’audio/level1/2011-07-19-level1-gcc.mp3′]