
Thank you for listening to Teresa on The Authentic

Entrepreneur Speaker Series!

Hi. I’m Teresa de Grosbois. As a thank you for listening in to the Authentic Entrepreneur Speaker Series, I’d like to offer you my 8-week Word of Mouth Basics Course at 61% off!

I know that you’d like to get into the global conversation, and that you have a vision you’d really love to share with the world.  Here’s your chance to get people talking about it.

Word of Mouth Basics is designed just for you. This 8-week course will show you the fundamentals.

You will learn how to:

  • Understand Word of Mouth: The  3 keys to becoming a person of influence online
  • Establish Yourself Online
  • Create a blog
  • Set up the Basics of Social Media
  • Get Social Media Working for You

You’ll also feel empowered and STOP feeling like you are the only person on the planet who doesn’t get this Facebook and Twitter thing. Yes, you’ll even know what tweeting means.

By the end of this 8-week course, you’ll be blogging to your heart’s content and using the Internet as a tool to grow your influence and reach, rather than seeing it as something that intimidates you.

This $247 course is being offered specially to you for $97 CDN.

Simply submit click on the buy now button to get instant access