From An Idea To Final Print – How To Write Your Book And Become A Successful Writer …In As Little As 4 Months!
Dear Aspiring Author,
You have that itch. It’s an itch that just won’t go away. It’s a writer’s itch.
You have a book locked up inside your head. And it just won’t go away. Sure, you’ve contemplated actually turning your ideas into a book, maybe many times. Maybe you’ve even started a chapter or two.
But just when you get enough steam to start things rolling, you get held back. Doubts creep in. Questions remain unanswered. “Writer’s block” takes on a whole new meaning.
You get to a point where you decide that maybe it’s not such a good idea anymore. After all, there are so many authors out there already, and so many bestsellers to compete with. What once seemed like a great idea now seems to be a waste of time.
So you slouch back into your “comfort zone.” You feel defeated. For a while you may even forget about your idea. Days pass, maybe months, even years.
But the itch comes back, as it always does. You begin contemplating the question once more…
“What If…?”
What if you had started your book, or kept going? What if you never let doubt and fear get the best of you? What if your book actually became published?
Your head begins to fill with questions. Is there a correct method to writing a book? What are publishers looking for? What are the chain of events that need to happen to make my book a reality? What options do you have when you go to publish?
Details, Details, Details…
These little details can and often do get in the way. I know. I’ve been there myself. Although I eventually became a 3-time bestselling author, my journey to publish my first book was both frustrating and challenging.
Writing your first book can be the most overwhelming process a first time author ever goes through. Yet it’s the details involved that usually stop most writers dead in their tracks.
As authors, we’re seeking to express our creative ideas. This is where the enjoyment comes from, in releasing our creativity. But when it comes down to the details, most of us avoid it like the plaque. I know this well. There were many times I was tempted to quit and toss aside my dreams.
But I didn’t quit. And that has made all the difference.
So let me ask you this: What if you had help? Would that make a difference?
Could I help you on your journey as an author? Would that make it easier for you? I’m sure it would. In fact, I’m positive that if we worked together to get your book published, the road would be a lot smoother for you. And your chances of success would be significantly higher.
How Can A Mentor Help You?
Studies have shown time and time again that your chances for success are much higher if you have a mentor. No matter what goal you’re striving to reach, having a mentor who takes you under their wing can make a world of difference.
With me by your side, you’ll be guided through the entire process of writing and publishing your first (or next) book. You have questions? I have answers for you (or I can find the answers you’re seeking).
Here are just some of the things you will learn when you become a member of my Level 1 program, “How To Write And Publish Your Book”:
- How to sell your book on Amazon, the top selling site in the world!
- How to align and test your book with your audience (recommended by top experts)
- How books actually make money and how to create a plan to profit
- How to be in total control, even publishing, printing and distributing your book yourself
- The steps you need to understand in the publishing process
- How to evaluate your publishing options, and choose the one best suited for you
For the low price of $997, you will have exclusive access to:
- All 12 modules for you to complete at your own pace (valued at $3600)
- Unlimited email correspondence with me, to answer any questions you may have (valued at $1000/hour)
- My student-only website, where you can view all posted answers to my students’ questions (valued at $300 – with coaching calls below)
- My monthly group coaching calls, where you forward your questions (via email) to me beforehand. You are free to join in on the Q&A session with authors such as yourself. (Valued at $1200, and available to you for as long as you need them!)
You get incredible value as a member of my Level 1 program. Still, you may be thinking to yourself, “ I can’t afford a mentor!”
My Question For You Is, “Can You Afford To Not Have A Mentor?”
Look at it this way. The school of hard knocks is a great teacher, but it is usually called that for a reason. Think of the time it would take to figure everything out on your own. Then think of the costs involved in taking the wrong turn, or taking the long way around, or in just listening to the wrong people. The $997 registration fee for my program could be chump change compared to the price of costly (and avoidable) mistakes.
I sincerely want to help you. The only satisfaction greater than having my own books published is helping others fulfill their dreams. Let me help you fulfill your dream of becoming an author. You’ll be glad you did.
Register now to have instant access to my exclusive program, including all of my valuable bonuses.
I look forward to helping you write your book!
Teresa de Groisbois
P.S. There’s no greater satisfaction than having your book in print and published. You’ve stumbled on something of immense value. How many times have you hoped and wished you could get honest, practical help with your book idea? It can happen. I’m here to help you as your mentor and together we can get the ball rolling.
P.P.S. I have only so many spots available, so the sooner you register the sooner your book can become a reality. Remember, the cost today is only $997 to join, but the price may go up at any time. Don’t put it off any longer. Join me today!
If you already have a published book and would like to move directly to level 2 – CLICK HERE
One-time payment of $997: 2 installments of $547.00 CONTACT US for a payment plan. |